ABY Soya

Yarn For Fashion and Apparel

Product Description

ABY presenting ABY Soya from yarn directly from vegetable sources rather than animal sources, which is Soybean Protein Fiber (SPF) is a kind of regenerative plant fibre. It is the only renewable botanic protein fibre we can touch today. SPF is a unique Active Fiber. Its 16 amino acids are healthy and nutritional to people skin. ABY Soya can be blended with other kinds of bamboo and viscose. The Soybean fibers are of low strength, and are sensitive to moisture to the extent of losing 69% of their tenacity when wet. It has better fineness, low specific gravity, high tensile elongation, and good acidic and alkali resistance. It is similar to natural fibre such as wool and silk

  • Low Specific Gravity
  • Hight Tensile Elongation
  • Good Acidic
  • Alkali Resistance


Composition Count Range
Soya 50% Viscose 50% 20s to 30s
Soya 50% Bamboo 50% 20s to 30s
Apparel Woven & Knit

Count Range indicated are for single yarns. We can supply yarns in Ply: Single, Double & Multi-folds.


Wool Blends

Nylon Triblends

Linen Blend (Natural/Bleached)